The other day I was looking at a house to buy for my real estate company. On occasion I get to see the house before all the trash is removed by the foreclosing bank. This particular house had so much porn in it that I call it “The house of porn.” Just about every room was scattered with the stuff. I know what your thinking, why am I riffling through some else’s porn. Sadly, I have become desensitized to piles of porn in foreclosed houses. I end up spending more time trying not to fall over it rather than discover the home owners’ preferences. Don’t get me wrong, I think in cases like this one, there are spiritual forces at work. Immediately, when I open the doors to these kinds of houses I sense it, creepy on so many different levels.
I think that when the sheriff evicted these people they thought nothing of the years of porn they were leaving behind. I’d guess that it became so normal for these people to be immersed by this stuff that weren’t embarrassed by it any more. The sheer volume is embarrassing by any standard.
So what’s this got to do with God?
Don’t we do that in our spiritual lives? We go to church for years and seem to let the crud build up. Don’t we use trite Christian ideals to hold it all together when it’s all really falling apart? We try quick fixes. In our spiritual lives we like to have God served on a platter. We go from one spiritual high to the next. We miss what it’s really all about.
Someone else.
We have been talking about getting away from our selves during this VS Series. But what does it really mean to legitimately care for some one else more than we care for our selves? Why do we continue to hit our heads against the wall trying to get our own “needs” met when the reality is that by caring for other people we end up being liberated our selves?
After the fact I found out that the previous owner was a doctor. Last I checked doctors make some serious money yet this guy became so consumed with himself that he lost his house.
You might have heard it said “We all have something that we could lose it all over” but maybe the better question is what are we willing to give it all up for?